Continuing from Tori's "The Ethics of Globalisation, Free Trade and Fair Trade" post I decided to investigate the topic and then conduct a few interviews with my peers to gather their opinions on the matter (I'll leave them anonymous for privacy reasons):
Subject A
"[Free Trade], it's like communism, looks nice on paper but it's never going to work when you get to a certain number of people [in the population]. People always seem to forget about the greed of humanity."
Subject B
"Fair Trade tends to perpetuate the myth of the 'white man saviour'...but the question is do these undeveloped countries actually have the means and connections [or technology] to help themselves?"
Subject C
"It's a difficult question really. [With Free Trade] the growers ethical beliefs come into how they sell their produce. It means if they don't agree with a corporation or companies product/sales history/ethics, they wouldn't sell their produce to them. They could sell to only local sources which might force other companies or countries to look elsewhere to source materials, which might end up having negative environmental effects (for example if they go and cut down rain-forests and stuff to establish their own plantations). Fair Trade seems pretty good because it makes people accountable, people don't get undercut, companies get what they want. Free trade might open the door to 'slavery prices', the ethics of the people in charge of plantations might not be morally sound: they could be mistreating their workers."
Subject D
"Apparently there's a documentary out there that exposes Fair Trade to be not as fair as it seems! You should google it. I can't remember what it's about though"
Subject E
"I don't believe in either, Fair Trade is a load of rubbish and Free Trade is a load of rubbish. I believe in local trade. I find it odd that the green beans I had for tea tonight came all the way from Kenya. I’d love it if they just came from [round the corner]. It’d be great if [our city] had a big ecosphere so we could all grow bananas in the winter and eat natural, good, locally sourced foods. I believe in community trade."
There seems to be a general consensus in favour of Fair Trade over Free Trade, I tried to remain as impartial as possible and presented the subjects with an unbiased basic description of both ideas, the description can be viewed here.
I believe there should be more local trade, keep money within communities, so they can thrive, if everybody did this in the world, i think areas would be richer and it would bring communities closer together. Then in times of war etc, when cross country deliveries are not happening, people can still eat etc. Stupid margaret Thatcher selling all our companies!