The article focuses on how the internet has affected the globalisation of the world. Admittedly there are no solid references however the authors arguments and points are explained clearly.
It focuses on some of the negative and positive impacts of globalisation.
Linking back to the previous post asking if globalisation is truly a good thing, is the point that the reliance and importance placed on the internet is so great that 3rd world countries are being left out as they are unable to be included in the 'global village' due to a lack of access to the internet. Those that do have access, generally, are able only to receive information and are not in a position to control it. Causing what is known as the 'digital divide'.
'The globalization of internet technology in the less developed countries
typically is a one way proposition: the people do not control any of
the information; they only receive it. It is also true that worldwide
the ability to control or generate broadcasts rests in the hands of the
tiny minority. This shows that in these countries the internet
technology generally does not have a neutral application. The placement
of the internet technology in developing countries often causes social
costs, as well as costs in the form of urbanization, employment
displacement, and the “digital divide.”'
This 'digital divide' is perhaps causing hundreds of thousands of people to be left behind in the globalising (globalised?) world.
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